Nuki Flash Deal

For a limited time only: 20 % off selected Smart Lock sets
Only from February 18 to 20, 2025

to the deal

Whistleblower System

Report a note
We take your notes and information very seriously. If you have knowledge or reasonable suspicion of misconduct or malpractice affecting our organisation, we would like to hear from you.

What do we need from you?
In order to process your concern, we ask you to provide as much relevant information as possible. This includes the date, time, location and all people or departments involved.

Thank you for supporting us in maintaining the integrity and accountability of our organisation. We appreciate your support and will ensure that all information you provide is carefully scrutinised.

Your trust is important to us and we look forward to hearing from you.

How can you contact us?
You can contact us via our secure online form. Simply fill in the required fields and send us your information. We undertake to treat your data confidentially.

When will I hear back from you?
You will receive a message from us within 7 calendar days.