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Nuki öffnet die Tür wie von Zauberhand -  Harry Potter Café Phoenix im Süden Österreichs_Nuki Smart Lock
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Nuki opens the door as if by magic – Harry Potter Café Phoenix in the South of Austria

Get Inspired 12.12.2019 | Christine Deniz

“Alohomora!” Visitors just need to utter a single word to open the entrance door to the magical world of Café Phoenix in Klagenfurt. The muggles among us may now be asking themselves how this door-opening spell actually works – because the door to Café Phoenix really does seem to open by magic. The smart door lock from Nuki is what makes this possible.

In this post, we’ll explain why Austria’s biggest Harry Potter fans opted for the Nuki Smart Lock as a modern access solution for their café and how it makes everyday life of a business environment more efficient in a sustainable way.

Delve into the world of Harry, Ron, and Hermione with a butterbeer and some magical reading material

Imagine you’re in the courtyard of the Leaky Cauldron, you tap certain bricks in the wall with your magic wand, and the enchanted world of Diagon Alley opens up before you. You sit down in a café and order a tall glass of butterbeer. If you use your imagination a little, you can do all of this at Café Phoenix in Klagenfurt. However, in this case it’s an employee’s smartphone, not a magic wand, that opens the door.
Surrounded by all kinds of books, newspapers, and magazines, you can temporarily escape the muggle world at Café Phoenix. The large selection of Harry Potter merchandise and special sweets from the world of magic (e.g. real Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans) invite you to browse and hang around for a while.

Enchanted café facing the challenges of the muggle world

Whether magical or not, every venue must be unlocked in the morning and securely locked again in the evening – by many different people. Every employee requires individual access, and so does the cleaning staff or the occasional handyman. This results in a high administrative workload if you’re relying on traditional keys. The more people come and go, the harder it becomes to keep track of everything. You are more likely to lose keys. If this happens, the only secure solution is to change the entire lock cylinder and hand out new keys to all employees. However, this is a time-consuming process that incurs extra costs. The owners of Café Phoenix were faced with all of these challenges. They decided to digitise access to their café with the Nuki Smart Lock.

Herr Wakonig vom Café Phoenix, KlagenfurtHerr Wakonig vom Café Phoenix, Klagenfurt

“We now have 8 employees, which means there’s a lot of work involved in managing entry solutions – especially if you’re relying on traditional keys.
Since we’ve been using the Nuki Smart Lock for our pep juice bar in Villach, we were already familiar with its advantages and knew that we wanted to take advantage of an electronic locking system for our Harry Potter café as well.”

Nuki Smart Lock – the perfect “house elf” for your entrance door

The smart door lock by Nuki is simply mounted on the inside of the door and is connected to the free Nuki app. This means that you can open the door with a smartphone. The clever part: You can easily send, manage, and set times for access permissions – basically digital keys – via WhatsApp (or another messenger service). Access permissions can be revoked at any time as needed. You can simply open the Nuki app and check the activity log to see who locked the door when and whether it’s actually securely locked. The only thing that’s easier is the door-opening spell “Alohomora”…

By the way, the owners of the Harry Potter café in Klagenfurt also use the Nuki Smart Lock in their second venue, the pep juice bar in Villach.

Do you also want to control your door by magic in the future?

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Christine Deniz
Faccio parte di quel gruppo di persone che afferma di "non intendersene molto di tecnologia”. Ecco perché per me è importante che anche i processi più complessi siano rappresentati in modo semplice e accessibile a tutti. Ciò che mi affascina della tecnologia Smart Lock è il fatto che questa permette non solo di sostituire la chiave - l'elemento principale di un'abitazione - ma anche di renderla ancora più intelligente con l'aggiunta di accessori. Un'innovazione per tutti, non solo per gli amanti della tecnologia.