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Optimize the connection of your Nuki Bridge


Improve the connection strength of your Bridge - Nuki
If your SmartLock does not react immediately, or if it takes more than three seconds to retrieve the status or to perform a lock action via the Nuki App, then this can be due to a bad connection between your Nuki Smart Lock and your Bridge.

Are these problems known to you? Then we might have a solution for you because a bad bridge connection can usually be improved in a few steps. Please check first in the App Store or Google Play Store if you have the latest version of the Nuki app installed on your smartphone.
  • Check connection strength of your Bridge To examine the connection of your Nuki Bridge, tap on the desired Smart Lock in the Nuki app and open the settings. Then go to “connection status”. If the connection between the Smart Lock and Bridge is yellow, read the following steps.
  • Bring your Bridge closer to the Smart Lock The Nuki Bridge should be positioned at a maximum distance of 5 meters from the Smart Lock, if possible in the same room. Walls and other obstacles can greatly reduce the connection quality between Smart Lock and Bridge.
  • Improve the orientation of your Bridge By changing the orientation of your Nuki Bridge you can improve the connection to the Smart Lock in many cases. We have compiled a comprehensive guide with pictures showing how an improvement can be achieved.
If you follow these steps, connection problems between your Nuki Smart Lock and the Bridge will soon be a thing of the past.

If your Smart Lock still takes more than two to three seconds after these steps, we would kindly ask you to contact our support team (

Best regards,